Hey👋, I'm Kamal
Penetration Tester || Security Researcher

Human stupidity is the biggest vulnerability
that hackers always target.

About me

CSE Undergrad || Penetration Tester || Security Researcher

Hi there👋, I'm Kamal Singh Bisht , an undergraduate student at Graphic Era Hill University, majoring in computer science. As a passionate Computer Science student with a deep love for programming and technology. Smart Cyber security and ethical hacking are my areas of expertise and fascination.
My goal is to contribute to a safer digital world by identifying vulnerabilities and building strong defenses with the help Artificial intelligence . With an unwavering curiosity, I'm constantly seeking new challenges and opportunities to dive into the world of cyber security and ethical hacking.

My Skills

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Problem Solving

As a passionate problem solver with in-depth knowledge of data structures and algorithms, I'm always seeking opportunities to apply my skills to real-world challenges.

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Critical & Analytical Thinking

My critical and analytical skills are sharp, enabling me to dissect complex issues and extract valuable insights.

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Web Security

Proficient in web security practices, with strong expertise in developing secure websites.

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Thread Hunting

Threat hunting is a proactive cybersecurity approach aimed at identifying and mitigating potential threats before they cause harm.

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Artificial Intelligence

My knowledge extends to advanced techniques like neural networks and deep learning architectures, showcasing my ability to leverage complex algorithms for solving intricate problems.

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With my keen sense of creativity and ability to think outside the box, I bring fresh perspectives and unique ideas to any project, fostering a culture of innovation and driving meaningful progress

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UI/UX Designer

I possess an understanding of design principles, color schemes, & typography. I create seamless user experiences with a user-centric approach, enhancing the usability and engagement.

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Security Researcher

I am an active Security Researcher, consistently contributing to the field with my ongoing research work